“In nothingness, they hum a lullaby from before time.”

Chapter 1 - The Eagle
Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff

Chapter 1 - The Eagle

Chapter 1 of Psychopompos - a new mythology opens in Oblivion, where Nyx hatches Phanes’ World Egg and sets the stage for violence, vengeance and a war for the throne of the gods.

As Zeus surprises two of his children, Athena and Apollo, with a sudden plan to exile Hera and put a mortal he just met in her place. Hera, meanwhile, throws a bridal shower for Persephone and Eurydice, whose upcoming wedding is hoped to calm tensions on Olympus. In the center of it all is Aphrodite, the shape-shifting Goddexx of Love, who seemingly comes as both an antagonistic flirt and powerful puppeteer.

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A Myth - The Weaving Contest
Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff

A Myth - The Weaving Contest

Psychopompos - a new mythology takes on a very famous myth, The Weaving Contest, which pits the famed and arrogant mortal weaver Arakhne against the Goddess of the Loom, Athena. Narrated by Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry and the Chief Muses, she paints the scene as Arakhne disparages Athena to Pan and his friend, the satyr Marsyas, until the great goddess arrives to put her in her place.

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An Omen at Pytho, Prologue
Book 1, Prologue, Omen Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Prologue, Omen Tate A. Geborkoff

An Omen at Pytho, Prologue

Psychopompos - a new mythology continues with Apollo dragging his twin sister, Artemis, to Gaia’s navel, where he plans to found the Apollonian Dynasty. But after killing Gaia’s child, the great serpent Python, and trying to claim her famed oracle of Delphi, the two gods realize there is more to these crimes than initially appears. This episode concludes the Prologue of Psychopompos - a new mythology.

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Teaser 1                                             A Myth: The Weaving Contest
Teaser Tate A. Geborkoff Teaser Tate A. Geborkoff

Teaser 1 A Myth: The Weaving Contest

In this teaser, listeners can enjoy a first frolic through the lush world of “Psychopompos - a new mythology.” Immerse yourself in the opening moment of our take on the ancient myth “The Weaving Contest”.

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